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Shen Yun Welcomes Year of Dragon with Shows in Four Nations: “Display of the Divine”

By Minghui correspondents Gao Siyu and Jing Ruyu

(Minghui.org) During the weekend of February 10, the first day of the Year of the Dragon, the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts continued its world tour with performances in Austria, the United Kingdom, Japan, and the United States.

Shen Yun Performs to Full Houses in Salzburg, Austria

Shen Yun Global Company at a sold-out theater at the Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg, Austria, on February 10, the first day of the Year of the Dragon. The company presented three performances in Salzburg on February 10 and 11, all to full houses. (The Epoch Times)

“Display of the Divine”

Jobst Freiherr von Schirnding at the Shen Yun performance in Salzburg on February 11 (NTD Television)

Jobst Freiherr von Schirnding saw Shen Yun in Salzburg on February 11. “This was an experience that I would not want to miss,” he said.

“Thank you [to the emcees] for translating Shen Yun’s name. The display of the divine could be seen in many aspects of the performance. Many pieces let you feel the depth of faith. Many historical stories resonated with this, including the last program. To me, they all represented the display of the divine.

“The depth of faith behind the performance left me deeply in awe... The show made me very joyful. I’ve never experienced this. I’m definitely coming back. This was such an experience that would awe-strike one’s body and mind,” he said. 

“Quite Remarkable”

Stefan Schnöll, Deputy State Governor of Salzburg, at the Shen Yun performance in Salzburg on February 11 (NTD Television)

Stefan Schnöll, the deputy state governor of Salzburg, saw Shen Yun in Salzburg on February 11.

“Wonderful. I think the music and the dances are unique. So you really immerse yourself in a culture that is foreign to us. That’s quite remarkable, so nice in Salzburg,” said Mr. Schnöll.

Regarding the divinity and spirituality presented in the performance, Mr. Schnöll said, “I think that doesn’t happen enough in our society today, where everything is so rational and people are constantly trying to explain everything. And yet this spirituality has been brought so prominently onto the stage.”

Audience Member in Liverpool, U.K.: “A Feeling of Tranquility”

Shen Yun New Era Company presented two performances to full houses at the Liverpool Empire Theatre in Liverpool, United Kingdom, on February 10. (The Epoch Times)

Martina Goss, a certified start-up business coach, at the Shen Yun performance in Liverpool on February 10 (NTD Television)

Certified start-up business coach Martina Goss saw Shen Yun in Liverpool on February 10. She travelled from Ireland to see the performance.

“It was the music; it was the dance; it was the performer’s ability to tell a story through dance, which is a beautiful skill. So it just leaves you with this beautiful feeling... a feeling of tranquility. You’re just in the moment watching the show. All your other thoughts are gone,” Ms. Goss said. 

American Theatergoers Across the Nation Enjoy Shen Yun

Dr. Lowell H. Steen, Jr. at the Shen Yun performance in Madison, Wisconsin, on February 10 (NTD Television)

Dr. Lowell H. Steen, Jr., chief of cardiology at Loyola Medicine and a professor of medicine at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, saw Shen Yun in Madison, Wisconsin, on February 10.

“The performers were amazing. The orchestra’s amazing. I think it’s a wonderful story,” said Dr. Steen.

Regarding the piece portraying the CCP’s harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience, he said, “Of course I feel terrible about that. In our country, in the United States, organ transplantation is a wonderful end stage therapy, and resources are very valuable. So it’s just horrible to see organs harvested like that against people’s will.”

“Truly Impeccable”

Mark Bey at the Shen Yun performance in Baltimore, Maryland, on February 10

Mark Bey, who works at the U.S. Department of Defense, saw Shen Yun in Baltimore, Maryland, on February 10. 

“I’ve been wanting to see this show for many years. I remember that it’s always in February and I’m usually not home in February. I’m home this year so I decided to come see it,” Mr. Bey said. 

“Their performance was very appealing... Their cooperation was impeccable. Very enjoyable.

“The show was very colorful. I liked it very much... The artists’ expression was excellent. Truly impeccable,” he said.

“These Sounds Were So Great, So Sweet”

Mario Godoy, musician and composer, at the Shen Yun performance in Baltimore on February 11

Musician and composer Mario Godoy saw Shen Yun’s performance in Baltimore with his family on February 11.

“Shen Yun is a very professional performance group. Different dances presented different time periods. All the stories were very good. Great!” said Mr. Godoy.

“Shen Yun’s music was very good... Everything was just right as to timing. All the music was excellent. The Western instruments like violins and violas, and all other instruments – I liked them all very much. I’ve been listening attentively the entire time.

“I could feel this kind of great combination, a very balanced feeling. The orchestra uses special instruments with a long history from Eastern culture. It was so perfect. These sounds were so great, so sweet!

“The composition was great. The dance movements, the stories, and the composition matched very well.

“The pianist was great... Also the conductor, she was a magnificent conductor. Perfect, very perfect!

“I really liked the erhu. It only has two strings. I think it’s not only about the skills, but the expression of the performer’s emotions. And that is music: the artist speaking through music. The erhu solo made me feel that I was on another planet, or in ancient China. Because through music, you can feel that! 

“I very much enjoyed today’s performance. I’m very glad that I brought my family to see Shen Yun,” Mr. Godoy said. 

“It’s Beyond Remarkable”

Shen Yun North America Company at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall in Tucson, Arizona, on February 11. The company presented three shows in Tucson on February 10 and 11, all to packed houses. (The Epoch Times)

Maggie Romance, Director of Continuing Education at Pima Community College, at the Shen Yun performance in Tucson on February 10 (NTD Television)

Maggie Romance, Director of Continuing Education at Pima Community College, saw Shen Yun in Tucson on February 10.

“I loved it... It’s beyond remarkable,” said Mrs. Romance.

“The color and the liveliness and the emotion that each one of the dances was able to express was just amazing to me that without words it could show itself that way.

“I was watching very closely the movement of the dancers. And I am just in awe of how they can manipulate their bodies in such a magnificent way with such grace and lightness,” she said.

Regarding Shen Yun’s drawing upon the culture’s Buddhist and Daoist philosophies, she said, “I think that that is something that we need more of, and I am very appreciative to see that it’s being given on a larger audience.”

She also shared, “I’m just very grateful that they take the time and the energy to embrace their beliefs and let it shine throughout the world.”

“A Feeling of Hope”

Shen Yun World Company presented two performances at the Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, on February 10. Tickets for the afternoon performance were sold out. (The Epoch Times)

Alain Ouellette, Director of Planning and Development at Northern Maine Development Commission, at the Shen Yun performance in Portland on the afternoon of February 10 (The Epoch Times)

Alain Ouellette, Director of Planning and Development at Northern Maine Development Commission, and his wife saw Shen Yun in Portland on the afternoon of February 10.

“We went through a long travel to get to this theater... But this was a worthwhile journey. We very very much enjoyed watching the show. I can’t wait to see Shen Yun again some day,” he said. 

“Many pieces in the show always displayed depth and height at the end. For me, this brought a feeling of hope to the audience and bystanders. The world is not perfect, but let us hope that one day it will become perfect,” he said.

Arkansas and Maryland Elected Officials Welcome Shen Yun

On February 6, Shen Yun Touring Company presented one performance to a packed house at the Fort Smith Convention Center – ArcBest Corporation Performing Arts Center in Fort Smith, Arkansas. This was the company’s first time performing in Fort Smith. In honor of the performing arts company, the city’s mayor George McGill extended a proclamation, proclaiming February 6, 2024 as “Shen Yun Performing Arts Day.”

Proclamation from Mayor George McGill of Fort Smith

On February 10 and 11, Shen Yun New World Company presented three performances to packed houses at the Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland. Prior to the performances, the company received congratulatory remarks from federal, state, and municipal elected officials. 

Letter from U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (The Epoch Times)

Letter from Adrienne A. Jones, Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates

Certificate of Recognition from Brandon M. Scott, Mayor of Baltimore

For more information about performance times, locations, and tickets, please visit www.shenyun.com.

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Източник/ци: Shen Yun Welcomes Year of Dragon with Shows in Four Nations: “Display of the Divine” | Falun Dafa - Minghui.org

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